Tennis Elbow - It's more than an elbow problem!

elbow tennis elbow Mar 30, 2021

Tennis Elbow - It's more than an elbow problem! 

It’s a spine problem

Tommy Conway - Chartered Physiotherapist and Director - OneHEALTH

 Are you feeling pain on the outer side of your elbow? Shooting pain while gripping? Are you now unable to lift the kettle? Or even unscrew a jar? Do you use your computer on a daily basis? Does your job include repetitive use of your hands? Have you ignored this issue? Felt your grip slowly getting weaker but put in on the long finger? If you ask me what one condition I wouldn’t put on the long finger it is pain on the outside of my elbow “Tennis elbow”. It becomes so painful that you will not be able to grip at all, even zipping up your jacket will seem impossible, I’ve seen it. 

You are born with a strong grip, it’s one of the key markers of a healthy spine. Proud grandparents, parents brag about a newborn “they have the strongest grip”, mine did too when my daughter Molly was...

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